Syrians living abroad miss their family and friends back home but due to the volatile situation they c

 Syrians living in Oman have spoken of the “heartbreaking” events back home and their gratitude to the Omani government, and have expressed hope for a peaceful resolution to the six-year conflict.

“This war has been going on for six years now, and those who are suffering are the Syrian people,” said Zaid (name changed), a Syrian living in Oman. 

“It is heartbreaking to see what is going on in our homeland and we cannot even return there because of the safety situation. We all have family and friends back home in Syria and we really miss them.

“All of us Syrians living abroad are hoping that those who are fighting realise that the only way to resolve this is through peace,” he added.

“It will take a long time to rebuild our country and the sooner that happens, the better.

Syrians in Oman were speaking to Times of Oman after the latest round of conflict in the war-torn nation. 85 people – most of them innocent civilians – were killed and hundreds more were injured in a chemical weapon attack on the town of Khan Sheikoun last week, with the US pointing the finger of blame at the government of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad. Both Syria and its Russian backers deny the claims. Barely a day later, US Navy ships stationed in the Eastern Mediterranean launched a salvo of 59 Tomahawk missiles at an airbase on the outskirts of the town of Homs, the alleged home of the airplanes that fired those chemical weapons.

“We are incredibly upset at the situation, and we pray to God that he may ease the hardship that these victims are experiencing, and keep Oman as a beacon of bringing peace in Syria’s future,” added Adnan, another Syrian.

“I’ve been in Oman for ten years. I see the only solution to the war in Syria is mediation between the parties, and a peaceful agreement needs to be negotiated that all parties would agree to and enforce.”

Oman’s Ministry of Foreign affairs was quick to condemn the chemical attacks in Syria.

“The Sultanate strongly condemns the chemical attack on Syria and considers it an act of terrorism against innocent civilians who were blameless in the conflict there,” it said in a statement

“The countries that are fighting must forget their differences and figure out what is best for Syria,” added Asma, another Syrian living in the Sultanate.

“The war has gone on long enough and our entire country has been destroyed. No one benefits from the battles on the ground in the long term. To see so many innocent women and children die for no fault of their own is a very sad thing, and we must pursue a peaceful solution to end this war.”

“We are deeply saddened by the gas attacks,” revealed Syrian resident Hussein.“We feel strongly about it, especially because we are so far from those victims in Syria. There’s nothing we can do here.

“I’ve been here (Oman) six years, and as you can see here, a functioning government is the only


“We are so sorry to hear about everything, and so sad about the attacks. I see the only path to peace is reconciliation for all that has occurred,” said Mohammed.“Even though a lot of damage has been done, and reconciliation is a slim outcome, I still hope for it, because any other solution is not exactly an option anymore. We really are deeply upset about the situation and hoping for peace.”

Source: Timesofoman