Police in the Moscow region have detained a Tajik national who had more than 17 kilograms of heroin or the equivalent of 300,000 doses of the drug, a local police source said on Wednesday. \"The suspect was detained in the Ruza District [of the Moscow Region]. An unemployed Tajik man was transporting 17.4 kilograms of heroin in his Zhiguli car,\" the source said. The UN\'s World Health Organization (WHO) says Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, fueled by up to 1.68 million heroin addicts. Around 90 percent of Russia\'s drug abusers are thought to use heroin. But despite Bali\'s challenges, most believe the island will remain Indonesia\'s premier tourist destination for a long time to come. \"As long as all sectors work together, it’s not too late for Bali, contrary to what many people think,\" Le Coz said.