Egyptian actress Bosy

Egyptian actress Bosy described her love story with her departed husband Nour Al Sherif as unprecedented, saying that both work and family dominated his heart. When he was reading a new scenario, she added, or filming her role in any of his works, he was keen to concentrate. He was a very kind father and husband.

She added that when he was young, he was not fearing the death, saying that she lived with for over 35 years and does not feel that he left her. She added that she feels that he is still alive and existed in his office.

She added that the Egyptian actor faced a number of critical positions in his life, saying that when his uncle died, he was filming a movie outside Egypt and when he returned he felt deep sorrow. She underlined his love to Sayeda Zeinab district in which he was raised, stressing that he was keen to contact with the residents of the district.

When the film “Oppressor and Opressed” was presented, she said, the district’s residents praised his performance, saying that he was giving the priority to the fans’ assessment to his works.

Regarding her works, the Egyptian actress expressed her pleasure of what she presented during her career since its beginning, praising the role performed by her husband to support her for years as he was understanding the nature of her work.

She added that she will participate in the new TV drama show “Lovers Palace”, saying that it is a romantic movie that discusses the social changes witnessed in the Egyptian community. She also expressed her pleasure of the activities her daughter Mai performed during the recent period. She added that Mai will participate in “God knows that I am fasting” TV drama show scheduled to be presented in Ramadan.

She appreciated her relation with her sister Noura, saying that she is her sister and friend. She expressed her respect to her decision of retirement, saying that no one discussed her in her decision. She stressed that Noura managed to achieve notable success during her works as an actress.