Egyptian actress Dina

Egyptian actress Dina said that it is not shame to replace another actress in any drama works, saying that she replaced Egyptian actress Najla Badr in the role she performed in the TV drama show “Al Herbaya”. She revealed that Bader decided not to participate in the work as she was preoccupied in filming other two works during the recent drama season of Ramadan.
She added, in a statement to “Egypt Today”, that the refusal of other actresses to take the roles came for their personal conditions not for problems in scenario or the dramatic role. She added that she decided to take the role immediately after reading the scenario, saying that she was betting on the series’ success during the drama season.
Egyptian actress Dina expressed her pleasure for success of her new TV drama show “Gharabib Sood”, saying that the TV drama show managed to achieve popularity among fans in all over the Arab world surpassing her expectations.
She added, in a statement to “Egypt Today”, that the new TV drama show managed to achieve notable success since the beginning of its episodes, saying that it managed to attract the attention of audience in the Arab countries during the drama season of Ramadan.
She stressed her keenness to choose her works carefully, saying that she gives priority to the fans not to undermine her career. She stressed that she was keen to follow the fans’ reactions through social media networks and in the streets.
She added that she has to choose her roles carefully whether in television, cinema and theatre. She stressed that each work in which she participated has special memory in her heart as they led her to the current success.
She stressed that she considers herself lucky praising the role of Director Mohamed Samy for the shift in her career, as he turned her from the roles of kind and romantic girl. She described Samy as the genius director. She expressed her hope to work with him in cinema, saying that he will help her to provide unforgotten works.