Actress Haifa Wahby

Lebanese actress Haifa Wahby expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions to the first episodes of her new TV drama show “Herbaya” presented currently in the framework of drama season of Ramadan, saying that she is keen to follow the reactions of fans from all over the Arab world.
She stressed, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that the fans’ reactions were extremely positive, saying that such reactions are a result for the increasing efforts exerted by all members of the staff working in the drama show. She stressed that the first episodes pave the way for exciting developments in the coming episodes.
She added that she does not give priority to the artistic competition, while she focuses to perform her role well to attract the attention of audience and to meet the expectations of her fans from all over the Arab world. She said that she does not want compete with any other actors, while she works just to gain the respect of fans to resume working in the future.
Shye refused to give her impression about the other drama shows presented currently in the different Arab satellite channels, saying that she wishes the best for all other work. She also was keen to congratulate all Arab and Muslim people in all over the Arab world on Ramadan.
She denied what was published over her secretary’s clash with assistant director of “Herbaya” TV drama show, saying that what was published in this regard is unfounded rumors. She clarified that she is currently preoccupied in filming her role in the series.
She stressed that the series will achieve notable success and attract the attention of audience since its first episode, saying that it will be a turning point in her career. She added that the new drama show will be a surprise for the fans who will be keen to follow its episodes.
 She strongly criticized the rumors that targeted her during the recent period, saying that these rumors aim to undermine the expected success of the new drama show. Lebanese singer Haifa Wahby blamed the rumors launched by a number of haters, saying that such rumors aiming to undermine the new TV drama show “Harbaya” in which a large number of superstars participate, including Donia Abdel Aziz.