Egyptian actor Ahmed Saad

Egyptian actor Ahmed Saad expressed his pleasure for participating in his first cinema experience through the new film entitled “On Your Position”, saying that the film carries social message in a comic framework. He added that he gives priority to meet the aspirations of his fans when he presents his popular songs, including “Love You My Friend”. He added that he was keen to present the new song in a different way.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that he bets on the success of his new film after its presentation in the new cinemas, adding that the new work contains all factors of success, including the good scenario and comic and different story that has not been discussed before in any previous works. He added that the film’s major message is that the human should exert his efforts to develop himself.

Regarding his role in the film, he said that he performs a role of a neglected youth who aspires to increase his friends from the girls, while he does not think in marriage. He added that he will present three songs during the film, saying that the film is scheduled to be presented in the cinemas during the Spring Day.

He signaled that he participated in the TV drama show “We Are Students”, saying that he is still in the first stage of his life as an actor. He expressed his aspiration to take serious moves to achieve progress in this regard. He added that he does not care of the length of roles he presents during his works, while the value of the role. He revealed that he will not participate in any drama shows during the coming Ramadan, adding that he will participate with singing.

He added that he respects the vision adopted by the fans towards his works, saying that the fans are considered the major critics of his artistic works. He added that it is not logic for the critics to adopt viewpoints different from the visions of the fans.