Actress Aisha Ben Ahmed

Tunisian actress Aisha Ben Ahmed confirmed that she delayed the step to enter Egypt’s cinema for years due to her keenness to choose her roles carefully, saying that her drama works managed to achieve notable success since the beginning of her career as an actress. She added that she does not want to undermine her success.  
She expressed her pleasure for her participation in “The Cell” film, saying that it would be a turning point in her career, saying that the film managed to achieve huge profits and high popularity among the fans in all over the Arab world. She underlined the importance of her participation in the new film, saying that she received positive reactions for the role she performed.
The Tunuisian actress stressed her keenness to follow the fans’ reactions over her roles whether through social media networks or in the street, saying that she is keen to choose her roles carefully to meet the aspirations of her fans in all over the Arab world. She added that she was recommended for the role by the producing company, praising the scenario.

She said that what attracted him to participate in the film is the strong scenario and the participation of a large number of superstars from all over the Arab world. She stressed her keenness to diversify his works during the coming period, saying that the actor should not be limited in specific roles.

Aisha explained the reason for her absence in the recent period and said that she faced some differences in views and over financial issues on some roles in favor of a number of dramas, so she apologized for these works as well as postponement of the series "Marzouk and Ito" by the artist Mohammed Ramadan, which was scheduled to participate in the season of Ramadan.

Aisha also rejected the idea of those who see her artistic steps as weak and said that she considers her steps calculated and very precise. She says that she does not follow the principle of artistic presence at all, but participates in the works that add to her artistic career and decorate the best works without considering whether her career is slow or not.

She revealed that she considers a number of scenarios, among them a screenplay for a long drama series that will be screened outside the Ramadan race, but has not been decided until the end of the reading.