Dina defends friend Amr following leaked video

Dina defends friend Amr following leaked video Cairo - Khaled Faraj Egyptian belly dancer and actress Dina Talaat has claimed that criticism of singer Amr Diab is unfair, after an online video showed the duo partying with Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe. The footage, doing the rounds on social networking websites, shows Diab getting up, close and personal on the dance floor with Dina and Wehbe. Fans of the singer have taken offence to the scenes, but Dina has moved to defend her friend, describing the the flak as \"nonsense.\" The belly dancer disclosed that the video, which first appeared online last month, is from a VIP concert in Hadaba, Sharm el-Sheikh. She explained that the trio have performed together several times in the past, and will continue to do so. Dina also quashed speculation that she has made the decision to turn her back on belly dancing, and provided a detailed account of how the reports had surfaced. \"It [the rumour] began when an Egyptian reporter called me to ask if he could write a story saying I had retired as an April fools joke. \"I refused permission because I knew would have a negative impact on my work, in terms of bookings for the future and promoter feelings,\" she explained. \"Despite my refusal, the newspaper ran with the story anyway, which really angered me. Since then, I\'ve been sending text messages to the reporter every Friday telling him to seek forgiveness from Allah.\" Dina disclosed that she is currently working on two television dramas ahead of Ramadan, namely Pharaoh, with Khaled Saleh, and Cream And Honey, a comedy show. \"Cream And Honey is my first sitcom and I\'m delighted to be working alongside Ola Ghanem, Lotfy Labib and Samir Ghanem. \"I am playing the wife of a butcher who buys a property in the Zamalek region of Cairo, and when the couple move there they struggle to get on with their neighbours. The results are hilarious,\" she said. Briefly commenting on Pharaoh, the Egyptian belly dancer said: \"My role in Pharaoh is something new. I am playing a bossy wife who is suspicious of her husband. \"At times, I felt bad playing such an evil role on screen, but that\'s acting for you. \"I just hope the audience will appreciate my acting and not turn against me,\" she joked.