Egyptian actor Bayoumi Fouad

Egyptian actor Bayoumi Fouad denied that his participation in a number of TV drama shows during the coming Ramadan came as a result of his desire to ensure his existence. He said, “I do not think that the matter comes as a result of my desire to be existed, while the main reason behind my participation in all works is the role which I perform in each series.”
He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that he is looking forward to perform different roles, and to diversify the works in which he participates, adding that he focuses on performing suitable roles in comedy framework. He stressed that he cannot refuse any role if it was suitable and offers a new idea.
He praised his increasing activities whether in cinema, TV or radio, saying that each step he takes is different from the other works and has its own taste. He expressed pleasure of the works he presented since the beginning of his career, saying that he always receives positive reactions to the works he presented.
He stressed his keenness to take any new experience, saying that the actor should take adventure to prove his talent and efficiency. He has not denied the importance of financial matters, saying that it is considered one of the major standards upon which he decides whether to participate in the work or not, while he gives the priority to the quality of the work in general and especially the role he performs.
He denied what was published over his withdrawal from TV drama show “Adly Allam’s Ghosts”, saying that he has not received any offer to participate in the work. He described what was published in this regard as unfounded rumors. He said, “It is big honor for any actor to participate in a work with Egyptian superstar Adel Imam.”
He expressed his pleasure for participating in the new TV drama show “Captain Anosh”, saying that it presents a new idea. He stressed that the work is not biased to the Egyptian football team of Al Ahly, saying that it discusses the issues raised recently in the Egyptian football arena with no insult to any other teams or entities.