Egyptian director Enas Al Deghidi

Egyptian director Enas Al Deghidi expressed her pleasure for her TV program “Audacious”, saying that she chose this title for her program as the most suitable for her. She added, “I used to be criticized when I present any new drama work or appear in any TV shows. They criticize my works before their presentation on the screen.”

She added that Egyptian superstar Soad Hosni was the first to support her to work as cinema director, saying, “When I took this career, I was the first woman to work as a director. They attacked me just for being a woman. My first experience with this career was the film “Sorry for Law” then I directed a large number of movies for major superstars in Egypt.”

She praised her cooperation with Egyptian superstar Ahmed Zaki, saying that the cinema was his major concern. She added, “He was not accepting the direct orders in public. I managed to present him a comedy role for the first time in film ‘Crawfish’ which competed with Adel Imam’s movie.”

She added that she decided not to work as actress after her participation in “Mouths and Rabbits” film, as she promised her family not to work in this career. She clarified that her family were strongly opposing her work in this field.

She denied what was published over her intention of retirement, saying that she decided to end her career with directing a work telling her biography. She added that such a work will be after years. She added she has a number of works, including “The Women Era” and “Incest”

She added, “I do not like to work in presenting biographies, while if decided to do, she would choose the biography of Marlin Monroe as her story has different social, political and artistic sides attracting me to work.”