Egyptian actress Entsar

Egyptian actress Entsar expressed her deep love to the theatre, stressing her pride for participating in two theatrical performances during 2016; the first was “Housh Badeia” Badeia’s Courtyard, and the second was “A Single in the Honeymoon”.

She stressed that it was a great experience for her to work with Director Galal Al Sharkawy who is keen to keep the identity of Egyptian theatre combining comedy and politics.

Entsar signaled that her performance “A Single in the Honeymoon” discussed a number of social and economic problems witnessed in the Egyptian community. It concluded that the only way for the person to overcome his problems is to discover his personal skills.

Regarding her participation in “A Man and Six Wome” TV show, she said that the people loved this show so much, as it discussed the challenges facing the Egyptian families in comic way. She added that it discussed the problems of different generations, saying it has not been decided whether new parts would be filmed or not.

She clarified, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that she has not left the cinema, stressing that the cinema was the first reason of her celebrity. She added that she gained the first award in her life because of her role in “Sleepless Nights” movie

Entsar stressed that she participated in a movie entitled “Last Rooster in Egypt” with the Egyptian superstar Mohamed Ramadan, praising Ramadan’s mentality. She added that the new film discusses the illegal immigration, saying that she performed the role of one of Ramadan’s family members who makes a lot of troubles.

She refused the increasing criticism against Ramadan for his recent works viewed as a reason of bullying spread in Egypt, saying that the people realize the artists’ role which is to underline the social problems to pave the way for handling them.

She welcomed to deal with any new directors, saying that she had a number of experiences in this regard, as she worked with directors in their first experiences, including Sameh Al Bagory and Ashraf Fayek. However, she ruled out the idea to work with untalented actor, saying that she could work with a new actor not untalented one.

Regarding to her media experience, she expressed her satisfaction over her TV program “Nafsana”, stressing that the secret behind its success is the spirit of love between the staff members.