Fadel Shaker

Sources revealed to “Arab Today” that retired artist Fadel Shaker has nothing to do with the clashes happening in “Ein El Helwa” camp south Lebanon between Bilal Badr’s group and Palestinian forces headed by Fatah Movement .The sources also denied any direct relations between Fadel and Bilal Badr and did not even met before .
Shaker lives in Al-Taamir District which is far from Badr’s group location. He shares a good relation with League of Ansar and Fatah Movement ,so he is not a target for them ,and all the rumors about his surrender to the joint forces are not true ,confirming that this is his decision to make and in case he made it ,it will be through coordination with the Lebanese army or internal security forces, especially Information Division.

According to the same sources, Fadel Shaker does not own a weapons collection, and he is surrendered by a 10 young men group ,who were with him in "Bilal bin Rabah Mosque" before being stormed by the Lebanese army .This group own weapons for personal protection only.
The good relations between Fadel Shaker and the Palestinian forces ,and his absence from any security or political activity inside the camp do not give him security coverage ,they only kept him away from the doubt zone concerning the current events. While Shady Al Mawlawi is the most wanted person for his deep connection with Bilal Badr .

Shaker took refugee in “Ein El Helwa “ camp after the clashes between the Lebanese army and Sheikh Ahmed Al-Asir’s group ,and ever since he is trying to prove his innocence from any fight against the Lebanese government . He was sentenced in absentia to abuse Syria ,but there are no evidences to implicate him personally in Ibra Battle yet .