Egyptian actress Haidi Karam

Egyptian actress Haidi Karam revealed that she will participate in two new drama shows during the coming Ramadan, including "Spotlight" with superstar Hany Salama and "Nouh" with Hassan Al Radad. She added that she currently works to end the filming of her role during the coming days.

She added, in an interview with "Arabs Today", that she approved to participate in "Spotlight" because of the outstanding scenario, saying that it is different from the other works in which she participated before. She added that she performs a different role during the new series, saying that it would be a surprise for the fans. She added that the new show will compete during the coming season.

Regarding the other series, she said that it is also different, praising its author Ayman Salama. She added that she participates in two works during the coming Ramadan, while presents two different roles. She stressed that she gives priority to diversifying her roles not to presence during the season, saying that diversification is necessary to meet the aspirations of her fans.

She expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions to her role in her last drama show "Heba Regl Al Ghorab" praising the efforts exerted by all participants to achieve success. She added that she received positive reactions to her role in the TV series. 

She praised her participation in "Forced Choice" TV drama show, saying that it managed to achieve notable success. She added that she was expecting the success of the series, saying that it was a turning point in her career.

She stressed her keenness to change her roles in the different works in which she participates, stressing that she is keen not only to change the roles but also her image in each work to be suitable for the role she performs. She stressed that it is the only way to gain the satisfaction of the fans.