Egyptian actress Hana Shiha

Egyptian actress Hana Shiha expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions she received over her role in the new TV drama show “The Flood”, saying that the new TV drama show managed to achieve high popularity among the fans since the first episodes.

She revealed that she follow the fans’ reactions over her role whether on social media networks or in the street, expressing her appreciation to the fans from all over the Arab world for their confidence. She stressed that the fans reactions are the major standard upon which she depends to assess her works.

She added that she performs a role of Egyptian woman who faces a large number of challenges in her life, as she is married from a university professor who was excluded from his work, while her child died to suffer from psychological problems. She refused to give more details about her role in the TV drama show.

She expressed her pleasure for participating in “The Flood” TV drama show, saying that it makes her proud to participate in such great work. She expressed her aspiration that the new TV drama show will meet the expectations of her fans in all over the Arab world.

She also expressed her pleasure for her participation in the new TV drama show “President’s Shadow”, saying that she was confident that the role she performed during the TV drama show will achieve notable  success presented during the latest season of drama in Ramadan.

She added, in a statement to “Egypt Today”, that the role posed serious challenge against her, saying that she managed to meet the aspirations of her fans in all over the Arab world. She revealed that she received a number of offers to participate in new drama shows, while she has not taken any decision whether to participate in any of them or not.

A large number of superstars participated in the drama show, including Hana Shiha, Mahmoud Al Moghni and Yasser Jalal. It was directed by Egyptian director Ahmed Samir Farag and produced by c Arts Company.