Egyptian artist Hana Shiha

Egyptian artist Hana Shiha Cairo - Nancy Abdul Monim Egyptian artist Hana Shiha told Arab Today that the controversy surrounding her current role in the TV series Heatwave, reflected the success of the show and the views of the production crew. She said the show was successful in grabbing the attention of the audience and sparked curiosity in viewers. Shiha said the bold drama sees Egypt entering a new phase of liberal open-mindedness, which allows freedom of speech. She added that the director for the series, Mohammed Yassin contacted her personally during the casting phase to play the part of Nousa, saying she fitted the role perfectly.  Shiha said she would \"never have worked with any other director, other than Yassin\" on a similar show, saying he was supportive through its production.. Shiha said the role was: \"One of the most important steps in my life”, stating that she managed to captivate audiences with her performance.