Egyptian actor Hisham Seleim

Egyptian actor Hisham Seleim revealed that he apologized for not participating in a number of offers to present TV programs during the recent period, saying that he is preoccupied in filming a number of artistic works. He said that he did not find any programs’ ideas to attract him in the offers he received during the recent period. He added that the most of programs carry the same idea, stressing his refusal to repeat the ideas.

He added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that he participates in a number of drama works scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan, saying that he participates in “The Group” drama show in which he performs the role of third Supreme Guide of Muslim Brotherhood Omar Al Telmesani. He said that the role has political dimension with a large number of details that have not been revealed before.

He expressed his confidence that the work will achieve notable success during the coming drama season, saying that he was keen to exert his efforts to perform well and to appear each detail of the personality he performs during the series.

He added that he participates in another work entitled “Between Two Worlds”, saying that he will resume filming his role in the series. He added, “I perform a role of a businessperson who takes a political position, as he attempts to use his position to achieve personal gains.” He added that the series deals with a number of social and political problems witnessed in the Egyptian community during the recent years.

is worth mentioning that the last work of the artist Hisham Selim was the series "Password", which was presented last year. He had a number of experiences of presenting programs, the most recent programs, "Cairo Dialogue" and "Hisham and People" on Sky News.