Moroccan singer Janat

Moroccan singer Janat expressed her pleasure for the issuance of her new song “Good Morning”, saying that it has been issued in coincidence with the Valentine’s Day due to its romantic nature. She added that the song was planned to be issued as a part of her last album presented during the last year.

She added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that she is happy for participating in the initiative “Reassure Yourself”, stressing the importance of such initiatives aiming to confront the serious diseases, including Virus C. She expressed her optimism over the future after the impressive results of the current efforts exerted by the medical scientist to eliminate this disease.

She added, “I presented a song in the framework of the initiative entitled “Reassure and Do not Fear” in participation with Egyptian footballer Ahmed Hassan, as it is our duty and the duty of each human to perform a role to support those people who suffer from such dangerous disease.”

She raised the necessity of charity activities for the artists, saying that such activities reflect the artist role to share the challenges facing the people and to perform a role to ease their sufferings. She added, “It is the message of art to express the people’s pains and problems and to work to ease their challenges.”

She revealed that her video clip "Mom Africa" is not related to football, while it came to celebrate Morocco's return to the African Union after 33 years of absence. The song has been presented recently in participation with African singing group "TOFAN". It was written by Moroccan poet Mosaab Al Anzi, while composed by Radwan Al Deeri.

She added that she will take serious steps towards drama during the coming period, saying that she has not found the suitable role that can push her to take the experience whether in drama or cinema. She stressed her keenness to choose roles carefully.

She revealed that she works currently to prepare for her new album, saying that she intends to issue a new video clip for her song “Reassure and Do not fear” in participation with retired footballer Ahmed Hassan and his daughter Malak.