Murad is working on several new projects

Murad is working on several new projects Cairo - Mohamed Alloush Syrian actress Jumana Murad has left Cairo for Europe to enjoy her New Year\'s break and relax after filming her latest movie, \"Concert\" with co-star Ahmed Ezz. Speaking to ArabsToday, Murad said she enjoyed working with Ezz, and confirmed that her role in the film will be a surprise to the audience. The movie also stars a number of top actors, including Mohammad Rajab, Ruby, Ahmed Saadani and Dina al-Sherbini. Murad refused to disclose the details of her role, but provided a hint by saying, \"the role is part of a romantic comedy. The movie was written by Wael Abdullah, and directed by Ahmed Alaa.\" Meanwhile, Murad has confirmed that she will return to Cairo at the beginning of the next February to start filming for her new movie \"Ashraf Altilt.\" The film, being produced by Mohammed Subki, revolve around a young man called Ashraf Altilt who likes using weapons in self-defence. Murad said that \"the film is still in the stage of nominations, and negotiations are still ongoing with some of the artists, including Amr Saad and Khaled Saleh, to star in the movie.\" Murad was also happy that her film, \"The Palm of the Moon\" is being shown at Rotana Cinema, on New Year\'s Eve. She has invited her fans on Facebook to watch the movie, which is the story of a mother of five children who faces problems and is forced to leave her home. The movie features Wafa Amer, Ghada Abdel Razek and Tariq Imad. The story is writteb by Nasser Abdel-Rahman, and directed by Khaled Youssef. Murad also confirmed that she has almost finished preparing for her new drama series, with the storyline being completed, along with the final artist selections.