Arab singer Karmen Soliman

Arab singer Karmen Soliman praised “Arab Idol” TV program, describing it as one of the most important programs in the Arab world to discover talents. She added that a large number of people are keen to follow this program, saying that it provides free propaganda to the competitors who should benefit from their participation.

She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that she prepares for presenting new songs, saying that she is keen to choose her works carefully not to lose the fans’ confidence. She praised the role performed by her parents to support her during her career since its beginning. She signaled that her father trained her on different kinds of singing.

She stressed her keenness to take the advice of her family in every single point whether in her private or artistic life. She expressed her confidence in her family saying that they are the most devoted to give her the true advice.

She refuted the claims over normalization with Israel, saying that such accusations are baseless. She clarified that she had a singing party in Ramallah so it was necessary to take the Israeli stamp on her passport. She added, “I did not know that it is necessary to take the Israeli permission to enter Ramallah. If I had known this, I would have cancelled the party. I realize well the suffering of the Palestinian people. I cannot normalize relations with those who shed the Arab blood for decades.”

She stressed that the Egyptian Singer Angham is considered the model she aspires to repeat, as she managed to keep her level since the beginning of her career. She praised the role of Egyptian Opera officials who embraced her since her participation in the competition organized there. She also expressed her appreciation to Singer Hany Shaker who was keen to stand beside her during singing in Opera.

She added that the artists can perform a major role to achieve artistic development in all over the Arab world. She expressed her pleasure for participating in “Helmeya Nights” TV drama show presented during last Ramadan, saying that the participation enriched her experience.

She added that she could participate in other dramatic works if she found the suitable roles that can enrich her career experience. She expressed her appreciation to the fans saying that they are the major factor to build any artist.