Egyptian actress Lekaa Sowedan

Egyptian actress Lekaa Sowedan revealed that she ended the filming of 50 percent of her role in the new TV drama show “Halal” scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan, praising the superstars participating in the new show, including Somaia Al Khashab, Youssra Al Lozy and Dina Fouad. She stressed her keenness not to repeat the roles she performed before, saying that she works to diversify her roles.

She added, in an interview with “Arabs Today”, that She decided to participate in this series despite its shortness due to the outstanding role she performs during the series. She stressed that she works to choose her roles carefully, saying that she bets on the success of the new works she will perform during the coming Ramadan.

She stressed that she will present different roles during her participations in Ramadan. During “Halal” TV series, she performs a role of a girl from a poor district, while she travels abroad and when she returns, she works to support the residents of her district.

However, she added, she will perform a role of a businesswoman in “Phobia”, as she will face a number of serious challenges. She expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions to her new TV series “Sons of Nine” currently presented on an Egyptian satellite channel.

Regarding her participation in "Masquerade" play, she said that it was presented six years ago, adding that there was intention to represent it on the national theatre, while the departure of Egyptian actor Nour Al Sherif prevented the idea.

she expressed her pleasure for the success of her recent drama show "Sons of Nine", praising the staff participating in it. She expressed appreciation to Actress Nicole Saba, saying she strongly loves Egypt.

She stressed, "The series presentation is out of my decision, as it is the deciiof producer who has the right to ensure restoring his money."  She expressed her aspirations to present films, while she has not found the suitable role.

She stressed her keenness to choose her clothes carefully, saying that she prefers to deal with Egyptian designer Ayman Hamoni. She added that Hamoni designed the dresses in which she appeared during her participation in Cairo Cinema Festival and the opening ceremony of Catholic Festival of Cinema.

Regarding her problems with her previous husband, actor Hussein Fahmy, she said, “He was not fair with me, while I left the matter to God.” She added that the cinema industry witnessed notable improvement during the current period, as the new films discusses a number of vital issues related to the problems facing the communities.