Egyptian actress Nashwa Mustafa

Egyptian actress Nashwa Mustafa expressed her pleasure for the decision to present her new theatrical show “Selfie with Death”, saying that it is a different show if compared the other plays presented during the latest years. She stressed that it will be a surprise for the fans in all over the Arab world. She added that the new play is her idea that she wrote its scenario.
She added that she thought in the idea 14 years ago when her father passed away, praising the role performed by Dr. Yasser Ayoub who supported her to write her idea. She added that the idea of the play is based on the death which is coming in any moment in life since the birth.
She revealed that she will take a new experience with the theatre during the coming period, as it is the first time for her to participate in theatre as a writer.
She added, in a statement to “Egypt Today”, that she will return soon to the theatre as an actress through play titled “Selfei with Death”, saying that she is the writer and will perform the leading character. She revealed that the play will be presented on November 1 for 30 days in Alexandria’s theater of Miami.

She added that the new theatrical performance is composed of only one chapter that will continue for 50 minutes, saying that she is the only leading character. It will discuss how the person views the death. She added that she participated in the new drama show “Between the Two Worlds” that was scheduled to be presented during the latest drama season of Ramadan while it was delayed for reasons related to the producing company.
She added that she decided not to participate in any theatrical shows during the latest years, as she was concentrating in her new play during the latest 14 years, saying that she does not fear from the new experience saying that any actor should be able to perform any role whether comedy or not.
She praised her experience as a TV program presenter, as she participate with actress Shimaa Seif and actress Laila Ezz Al-Arab. She added that it is different program and has social message to resolve the problems witnessed in the Egyptian community.
She added, "What attracted me to accept the new program is its untraditional idea, as it is social program with a comic framework. She said that the program's idea is based on hosting the Egyptian superstars to discuss the different issues in the Egyptian society.