Actress Noha Abedeen

Arab actress Noha Abedeen expressed her pleasure for her participation in two drama shows during the latest drama season of Ramadan, including “Life Sweetness” and “Asham Ebleis”, saying that she received a large number of positive reactions to her latest works.
She stressed that she is happy for performing two different roles in the same season, saying that her success to do this job underlined her talent as one of major actresses. She stressed her keenness to choose her works carefully, saying that the major standard to assess her success is the fans’ reactions. She added that she exerts increasing efforts to meet the aspirations of her fans in all over the Arab world.
The Arab actress stressed her happiness for the positive reactions she received from the fans in all over the Arab world, saying that the TV drama show managed to attract the audience during the drama season of Ramadan. She stressed that the fans’ reactions to the series surpassed her expectations whether social media networks or direct interaction with fans in the streets.
She praised the role performed by the producing company saying that it was one of the major factors that pushed her to participate in the series. She added that the scenario also was the first to attract her to participate in the series. She stressed that her participation in the series is considered a turning point in her career.
She added that it is premature to talk about filming a new part of “The Treasure” film, saying that she signed a contract to film only one part of the film. She stressed her support for the Arab drama works, saying that such works perform a major role to gather a large number of superstars from all over the Arab world under the umbrella of only one work.
Regarding her participation in “Asham Ebleis”, she praised the role performed by Director Islam Khairy who recommended her for the role, saying that it is the fourth work in which she participated with Khairy. She added that the role she performed in the series is extremely different from her previous works.
The actress said that she participates currently in filming her new movie “The Treasure”, saying that she is happy for participating with a large number of Arab superstars in the new film, including Hind Sabry, Mohamed Ramadan and Mohamed Saad. She added that she performs a new and different role in the new film.