Egyptian actress Sherine Reda

Egyptian actress Sherine Reda expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions to her role in her TV drama show “Hell’s Stone” presented currently on a satellite channel, saying, “After the presentation of the series’ first episodes, I receive a large number of positive reactions to my role.” She praised the staff working in the series, saying that they exerted a lot of effort to achieve success during their work.

She expressed her appreciation to author Hala Zaghandi, saying that she presented a different scenario pushing her to accept to participate in the new drama show. She added that the series discusses new and different idea, as it discusses the position of woman in the Arab communities. She added that it discusses the story of three women planning to kill their husbands to get rid of their problems.

She added that it is not only the scenario that pushed her to accept participating in the series, while the whole staff also performed a major role to push her to participate in the new series. She expressed her pleasure for participating with Kenda Aloush and Eyad Nassar during the series, praising the efforts exerted by Director Hatem Ali.

She stressed that she always prefers to participate in the works discussing the social issues, including the differences between Couples, saying that such works perform a major role to resolve a large number of humanitarian issues. She added that such works attract the audience.

She stressed her keenness to diversify her roles, saying that she works to choose her roles carefully and to present a different idea in each work in which she participates. She revealed that she will participate in the coming drama season of Ramadan, saying that she will participate in the new TV drama show “Not to Extinguish the Sun”  scheduled to be presented during the season. She refused to give any details about her role.

She revealed also that she participates in a new film entitled “Photocopy” saying that it will be a new different experience for her. She praised the scenario and staff participating with her. She expressed her respect to her former husband, Singer Amr Diab, saying that she keeps her friendship relation with him