Moroccan singer Saad Al Mogarad

Moroccan singer Saad Al Mogarad stressed his confidence that he will be acquitted from the accusations against him, saying that he is confident of the integrity of the French judiciary. The statement came immediately after the decision taken by the French authorities to release him pending investigations.

He added, in a statement to “Arabs Today”, that he left the case to his lawyer, saying that he is confident that the lawyer will manage to prove his innocence. He stressed that he does not want to defend himself before the public opinion, saying that it is the responsibility of his lawyer. He added that he still waits the judicial verdict to take the measures aiming to improve his image before his fans.

He added, “Thanks God for the love of people. I did not know that I have a great position in the hearts of millions of people.”

Mogarad published a photo on his account on Instagram to express his pleasure for returning to his parents and fans. He said, “Thanks God. I cannot describe my pleasure for returning to my parents and fans and friends.” He expressed his appreciation to the artists who supported him during his problem.

Moroccan artist Bashir Abdou revealed that the forensic report proved the innocence of his son, singer Saad Lamjarred. He added that the report issued by the French authorities underlined that the girl who accused his son of raping her has not faced any sexual violence.

He added, in a statement to "Arabs Today", that the truth appeared despite what we suffered of suppression during the recent months. He added that he was confident of his son's innocence since the beginning of the case.

He called French judiciary to release his son, saying that he proved his innocence during facing her before the judicial authorities. He stressed confidence of the integrity of the French judicial authorities

French judiciary referred the case of Moroccan Singer Saad Al Mogarad accused of raping a girl to the seventh circuit of French police to resume their investigations during the coming period.

Mogarad’s lawyer revealed that the investigative judge is strongly convinced of the girl’s accusations against the Moroccan singer since the last seven-hour confrontation that gathered between the singer and his foe.

The singer’s lawyer failed to convince the judge of investigations to release him temporarily, saying that they failed to confuse the girl during the confrontation. He added that she remained her emotional stability, saying that she embarrassed the Moroccan singer.