Grout performs at Arabs Got Talent

Grout performs at Arabs Got Talent Beirut - Arab Today An American singer who cannot even speak Arabic has come runner-up in television reality show Arabs Got Talent after wooing audiences across the Middle East. The renditions of classical Arab songs by Jennifer Grout, a petite blonde from Boston, Massachusetts, ensured she was among the three finalists in the popular show. First prize in the pan-Arab contest went to Syrian dance troupe Sima for a performance portraying the autocratic rule of veteran leaders in the Middle East, MBC network announced late Saturday. But Grout -- the only non-Arab to compete -- came close behind along with Palestinian artist Mohammad al-Diri, who captured audiences by drawing portraits of prominent Arab and international figures using original and diverse techniques. The 23-year-old, who taught herself to sing difficult and popular Arab songs without speaking a word of the language, stunned audiences with her voice. She grew up in a musical home, and came upon Arab music after reading an online article about Arab diva Fairouz from Lebanon. She was enthralled by her voice and soon discovered other singers, including Umm Kalthoum, the Egyptian still considered to be the Arab world's finest singer three decades after her death. Grout mesmerised audiences with her rendition of an Umm Kalthoum song as she appeared on the Beirut stage of Arabs Got Talent, strumming the oud as she sang. Grout told AFP that despite not speaking Arabic, she learned the lyrics to the songs after finding translations for them on the Internet. MBC said Sima won the most votes from audiences around the Arab world, but the broadcaster did not reveal who came second or third. The talent programme is based on the UK show Britain's Got Talent. Source: AFP