Actress Wafaa Amer

Egyptian actress Wafaa Amer, stressed the importance of her coming series "Al Toufan" (The Flood), saying that it will discuss the family relationships with each other. She explained in an exclusive statement to" Egypt Today" that the series discusses the current events in the Egyptian society.
The Egyptian actress expressed her pleasure for participating again with her sister, the young actress Ayten Amer, after many years of the series "Al Dali", of which they participated in its starring.
Regarding her series "Shatarang" (Chess), Amer pointed out that the work achieved a massive success and there is no new part for it.
"There is a great development in the artworks' technics due to the entry of large companies in production, expressing her happiness of having new drama season throughout the year," Amer stated.
As for her vision of cinema, she pointed out that the cinema also enjoys different themes and congratulated all the stars who have presented a selection of distinguished films including Ahmed El Sakka, Mohamed Ramadan and Mohamed Henedi.
Concerning the possibility of repeating her experience with Mohammed Ramadan after the series "Ibn Halal" in 2014, Amer indicated that Ramadan is an outstanding actor, adding that she will be happy to cooperate with him again if the work that she will present is important.
Concerning the possibility of repeating her experience with Mohammed Ramadan after the series "Ibn Halal" in 2014, Amer indicated that Ramadan is an outstanding actor, adding that she will be happy to cooperate with him again if the work that she will present is important.
Amer expressed her grief due to the death of the young actor, Amr Samir, and many of the other artists like Nour Al Sharif, Mamdouh Abdel-Alim, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz and then Karim Mokhtar.
She would like to present Cleopatra's character in an artwork as she loves this character who once ruled the world's most powerful army.
Regarding the series that she followed in Ramadan, Amer revealed that she followed a number of works, including "Kafr Delhab", "Zel El Ra2ees" and  "Le Aa'la Se'r" sreies,  which characterized by mastery and outstanding performance of its stars.
As for her hobbies in her spare time, she pointed out that she likes to read a lot and rearrange the house. She loves this hobby a lot. Amer also likes running and women's football.