Actor Yasser Jalal

Egyptian actor Yasser Jalal expressed his pleasure of the notable success his TV drama show achieved during the latest drama season of Ramadan, saying that he currently spends a holiday with his family before considering the offers he received to participate in the coming drama season of Ramadan.

He added, in an interview with “Egypt Today”, that he received a large number of offers to participate in the coming drama season of Ramadan, while he has not given the final decision whether to participate in any of them or not. He stressed the need for choosing his roles carefully during the coming period after the notable success he achieved during the “President’s Shadow” TV drama show.

He expressed his pleasure for the positive reactions to his new TV drama show “President’s Shadow”, saying that he was fearing of the reactions of fans. He stressed that he gives the priority to the satisfaction of his fans in all over the Arab world.

Many reasons behind the success of this character and “Egypt Today” lists this reasons, where it all bagan when producer Raymond Makar from “Egypt Arts” company offered the leading role of the series to Yasser Galal, gave the idea to writer Mohammed Ismail Amin to write the script, and signed with director Ahmed Samir Farag who convinced Yasser Galal that he deserves this role as his first leading role in his career.

Yasser agreed to this role and worked on it for a long time starting from exercising, clothes, his fitness and his beard to fit with the character of a former security officer. Although Yasser had played the role of a police officer before but, this character was different and has many shifts, which made Yasser speaks with security officers to learn about them in order to present this role perfectly. He also was injured while shooting the action scenes.

He stressed that he does not give the priority to the issue of the leading character, saying that he does not mind to perform a short role if such a role is effective in the drama line. He stressed the need for diversifying his roles to meet the expectations of his fans in all over the Arab world.