Egyptian actress Youssra Al Lozy

Egyptian actress Youssra Al Lozy revealed that she resumes filming her role in “Haj Noman Family” TV drama show, saying that she performs the role of a girl working in radio, while she refused to give any more details over her role in the TV series. She added that she films the role in a number of Egyptian governorates, including Port Said and Damietta, adding that the TV drama show is scheduled to be presented in the beginning of the current year in a number of satellite channels.

She also expressed her pleasure for signing a new contract to participate in the new drama show “Haj Noman Family” scheduled to be presented during the coming year outside the drama season of Ramadan. She revealed that she will start filming her role this month in different places in Cairo.

She added that she agreed to participate in this work, as it is considered one of the long shows that will attract the attention of the fans. She expressed her confidence that the new show will achieve notable success after its presentation.

She praised the increasing number of superstars who joined the staff of the new show, including Teem Al-Hassan, Salah Abdullah, Manal Salama and Heba Magdy. She stressed that the new show presents a new and different idea, saying that she accepted to participate in the new drama show due to its difference nature from her previous works.

She praised the presentation of long drama shows outside the drama season of Ramadan, saying that they attract a large number of fans, saying that she was fearing from her experience in “Halal” TV drama show, as it is the first time for her to perform a role of a popular girl from a poor district

She expressed her pleasure for the positive reactions she received for the role she performed during her latest drama show presented during the latest drama season of Ramadan. She added that the role she performed during “Al-Halal” TV drama show was extremely different, as it was the first time for her to perform the role of a popular girl.

The Egyptian actress also expressed her pleasure for participating in her new film “Hamza’s Bag”, saying that she is happy for participating with Egyptian singer Hamada Helal in this cinema experience. She expressed her aspiration to meet the satisfaction of her fans.

She added that she was fearing of appearing with Egyptian singer Hamada Helal in two consecutive works, while she approved to participate in the film after knowing the timing of its presentation. She also praised her success in the film “Where is My Heart”, saying that it was a big challenge for her.