
Nostalgia for the trashy pop culture of yesteryear is a bizarre and unpredictable force. Released in 1984, the original Footloose was a critically derided teen drama that became a smash hit and enduring kitsch classic, later spawning a Broadway musical. The fresh-faced screen novice Wormald, a former backing dancer for Justin Timberlake, steps into Kevin Bacon\'s shoes to star in this contemporary remake as a rebellious city boy who shakes up a rural backwater in America\'s Deep South, where rock music and dancing are banned. After falling for the local beauty (Hough), he leads the town\'s fun-starved teenagers in a revolt against their own censorious parents, teachers and preachers. The director Brewer\'s sunny update has some of the wholesome, bouncy zing of the High School Musical series - indeed, Zac Efron was originally cast in Wormald\'s role, but dropped out. Brewer stays largely faithful to the 1984 screenplay, adding a few contemporary touches such as iPods and hip-hop on the soundtrack. Footloose is trite, corny and relentlessly bland, but still an effortless blast of tween-friendly escapism. It also balances two dull but essentially likeable stars with classy Hollywood veterans such as Quaid and Andie MacDowell. Lighter than candy floss but still a breezy, easy watch.