Egypt's Darul Iftaa

An observatory of extremist Fatwas (religious opinion) affiliated with Egypt's Darul Iftaa asserted that al Qaeda organization is seeking to emerge again to lead the jihadi movement worldwide after the defeat of Daesh organization.
In a statement released on Monday, the Observatory revealed that al Qaeda has recently issued a call for youths to follow the instructions of the organization, citing the first release of its leader Ayman al Zawaheri in which he warned against attempts to weaken the Jihadi youth movement in Somalia.
Commenting on Zawaheri's remarks, the Observatory noted that Qaeda is seeking to pop up again to lead the Jihadi movement worldwide after Daesh defeat, pressing the need for augmenting international efforts to counter Qaeda plans to target any objectives in the region in view of the successful operations which have weakened Daesh control over several territories in Iraq and Syria.
The Observatory sounded the alarm against more expanded terrorist movement as such groups are emanating from the same terrorist and extremist ideologies.

Source: Mena