Security forces in Lahij, Yemen

Director of security forces in Lahij province in Yemen, Saleh Sayed said that security forces arrested three extremist elements belonging to al-Qaeda and killed a fourth during a raid by security forces on s camp affiliated to the terrorist organization in Lahij.

He added that the operation was carried out after intelligence managed to know the location where the extremist elements are entrenched in the region, threatening the security and stability of the province.

El Sayed told Arabs Today that the extremist elements opened fire on security forces during the raid and the forces exchanged fire with the elements, adding that al-Qaeda commander, known as Abu Ali Al-Lahiji, was killed a week ago in another security operation.

He noted that security situation in Lahij province is witnessing a remarkable improvement with those who are trying to provoke chaos and threaten the public peace, asserting that the security services would strike terrorism with an iron hand and will continue to chase its elements.

Saleh praised the support of the President Abdo Rabbo Mansour Hadi and the Arab coalition to the security apparatus in Lahij, which helped in rehabilitation of soldiers and provide a weapons and supplies for security operations.