The Bethlehem refugee camps unveiled the biggest “UNRWA ID Card”.

Thousands of refugees from the Bethlehem refugee camps on Wednesday unveiled the biggest “UNRWA ID Card”  carrying the name of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

The card is 9 * 4 meters, and is meant to be considered as a symbol of the Palestinian people’s right of return after 70 years of displacement since the Nakba.

Thousands of refugees from different generations, including schoolchildren, activists, and different institutions marching today in front of President Mahmoud Abbas’s  office in Bethlehem as he is due to speak at the 73rd UN General Assembly session tomorrow.

This protest comes to support Abbas’s upcoming speech at the UNGA on Thursday, where his will condemn  successive US anti-Palestinian, pro-Israeli decision, the most recent of which was denying Palestinian refugees their right of return, and claiming that there are only tens of thousands of refugees, while there are over five million refugees registered with UNRWA.

It also comes as the Trump administration decided to completely cut funding of the UNRWA which is responsible for aiding millions of Palestinian refugees in the Middle East.