Palestinian refugees in makeshift shelter in Lebanon

The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag said on Tuesday that the living condition of the Palestinian refugees in the camps needs to be improved, the National News Agency (NNA) reported.

Kaag visited the Ain el Helwe camp in Sidon accompanied by UNRWA's General Director Mathias Schmale and UNRWA's Director in Sidon Ibrahim Al Khatib.

According to the NNA report, a group of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) officials in Lebanon received the UN delegation.

"Media gives a negative image of the camp as schools and basic services are required to improve people's living conditions," said Kaag.

She said she was in regular communication with local general security director and army commander, adding that "we are working with the United Nations Relief and Work Agency to find the necessary funding for all Palestinian refugees."

Source : XINHUA