The acting Wali (governor) of North Darfur State

The acting Wali (governor) of North Darfur State and Minister of Animal Resources, Mohamed Beraima Hassabal-Nabi, affirmed that the state is witnessing remarkable progress in the security and humanitarian field, compared to the situation in the past years.
This came when the acting Wali received Sunday in his office the Director of the office of the American envoy to Sudan and South Sudan, Paul Steven, in presence of members of the state's Security committee and the Deputy Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs in the state.
The meeting has discussed the arrangements adopted by the state in solving the issues of the displaced people, especially with regard to their repatriation and settlement, in addition to the efforts aimed for realizing social reconciliation and boosting the social co-existence via social peace at all localities in the state.
Beraima referred in his briefing to a number of challenges facing his state, top of them is imposing control on the long border with the neighboring countries, a matter that adds a new burden in the combating of illegal immigration and human trafficking.
He also pointed to the efforts being exerted by the security authorities in combating cross-border crimes.
Meanwhile, the Director of the US envoy's Office pointed out that the United States will cooperate with the international partners in boosting the peace efforts in Sudan.
He said that his visit to Sudan is aimed for deliberation with the government of North Darfur for pushing ahead the humanitarian work and the peace efforts and to be informed on the current level of coordination between the US government and Sudan.
Steven said that great progress has resulted in the situation in Darfur, indicating that the condition now are fully stable and that there is no existence for the armed movements, excluding few violations that happen here and there.
He lauded the great efforts being carried out by the government in supporting the stability and security in Darfur states.
Steven said that the US administration will work together with the government and donors for boosting the development and stability endeavors.
He explained the United States is keen to encourage and support the government programs for realizing reconciliation, collecting weapons and handling the issues of the displaced people.
He stressed the importance of dealing with the issue of the armed militias and unruly groups that undermining the citizens' security.
He affirmed the importance of dialogue as the basis for solving all differences and disputes between all parties.

Source: SUNA