Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil el Araby

Arab League (AL) Secretary General Nabil el Araby on Sunday conveyed Arab Country's rejection of nominating Israel, by the Western European and Others Group (WEOG), for the chairmanship the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Sixth Committee on countering-terrorism.

This came in an urgent message handed over to the envoys and representatives of the WEOG during their meeting with el Araby at the headquarter of the AL in Cairo. 

Citing the atrocities of the Israeli occupation against Palestinians, the AL chief said that it will be "irrational" to allow Israel to be the head of a legal committee in light of its human rights violations.

He added that electing Israel for the chairmanship of the committee will deal a blow to the UN.

El Araby further shed light on war crimes and violations committed by Israel against Palestinians, including breaching the UNSC resolution 338 (1973).

The WEOG- which comprises number west European countries along with Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Turkey - has nominated Israel for the chairmanship of the UN legal counter-terrorism committee.

Source : MENA