Cairo Criminal Court

Cairo Criminal Court on Saturday turned down a challenge filed by two defendants to suspend a ruling against them over charges of committing acts of violence in Dar el Salam district, which close to Cairo suburb of Maadi.
The two called for suspending the ruling until the court of cassation issue its verdict vis-a-vis an appeal filed by them. 
In June, the court sentenced a number of MB members to various prison terms over involvement in violence acts in Cairo's Dar el Salam district. 
Five defendants were sentenced to life, while six others received 15-year rigorous imprisonment.
Three defendants were sentenced to 10 years; one defendant received a five-year imprisonment term, while three others received three-year rigorous imprisonment.
The court sentenced a minor to three-year imprisonment, two others to six-month imprisonment, and two defendants to three months in prison.
The court also fined six defendants EGP 50,000 each.

Source: Mena