Mohammed Momani

Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs Mohammed Momani announced that a tripartite agreement included Jordan, the United States and Russia was put in place to back the ceasefire in south-west of Syria and will go into effect as of Sunday, Petra reported on Friday.

Momani said that according to the arrangements reached in Amman, a ceasefire will take place along a line of contact agreed upon between Syrian government forces and associated troops on one side and rebels on the other.

The three parties agreed that the ceasefire aims at permanently deescalating the tension in southern Syria, ending act of hostilities, restoring stability and allowing free access of humanitarian aid for this key area in Syria.

Momani concluded that the three nations stressed that such arrangements will contribute to creating a suitable environment, where a political and permanent solution to the crisis takes place.

The three countries voiced their commitment to working on a political solution based on Geneva track and UN Security Council resolution 2254, in order to guarantee Syria's independence and sovereignty.

Source: MENA