A new-born baby girl

 A new-born baby girl was found alive after it was abandoned at the gate of Sharjah Child Protection Department, police told Gulf News on Monday.

The incident took place on Wednesday around 2.30pm.

The baby was left in a baby stroller and she was spotted by a staff at the department as they were changing shifts.

Upon informing the police, a team from Wasit police station and operatives of the Criminal Investigation Division rushed to the scene. A probe to track down the baby’s parents are under way, police said.

Footage from the department's CCTV system were examined to help authorities identify the mother.

The footage showed a woman left the baby and quickly rushed to her car, according to police. No other person in the car was seen with the woman.

The baby, who reportedly has Arab features, was moved to Al Qasimi Hospital. The umbilical cord was still attached to the baby.

 According to hospital officials, the baby is in good health and was handed over to a child protection committee in Sharjah.

Source : GULF NEWS