Parliamentary delegation heads for Johannesburg to attend African parlaiment meeting

A parliamentary delegation, led by MP Hatem Bashat, the chairman of the African Affairs Committee at the House of Representatives, left on Sunday morning for Johannesburg, South Africa, to attend a meeting of the African Union's Pan-African Parliament (PAP).

The delegation groups MPs Mai Mahmoud Amin, Moustafa el Gendi and Salah Afifi.

Speaker of the House of Representatives Ali Abdel Aal will head for Johannesburg on Sunday evening to join the delegation.

Abdel Aal is scheduled to swear in and give a word before the African Parliament.

The official return of Egypt's membership of the African Parliament will be announced after its three-year suspension.

Abdel Aal and his accompanying delegation will also attended the PAP meetings, set for May 6.

Source: MENA