A clandestine tunnel used to smuggle drugs

Mexican and US police have discovered a clandestine tunnel used to smuggle drugs across the border between Tijuana and San Diego, Mexico's attorney general's office (PGR) announced on Saturday.

In a press release, the PGR stated that Mexican police had found the tunnel, in the northwestern state of Baja California, during a search as part of a drug trafficking investigation.

After obtaining a federal search warrant, police searched the house, and found the entrance to the tunnel in a bedroom closet.

The gang members had equipped it with an elevator to lower the drugs into the tunnel, with a system of tracks, ventilation and lighting.

The tunnel surfaced in the neighborhood of Otay Mesa in San Diego, California, where U.S. authorities seized a ton of cocaine and five tons of marijuana.

Police only found 10 kilos of marijuana on the Mexican side, which was seized as evidence.

Source: XINHUA