Russian President Vladimir Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin has highly praised the work of Russia’s newest Sukhoi Su-30SM, Su-34, Su-35 aircraft that have been used in an operation in Syria, according to TASS.

"The work of the newest aircraft systems, such as Su-30SM, Su-34, Su-35, the Mi-28 and Ka-52 helicopters is worthy of high praise," he said on Wednesday at a meeting with the military commanders on the national defense industry complex development. "The high-precision munitions, cruise missiles have confirmed their combat characteristics," the president said.

According to Putin, "Long-range airborne and sea-based high-precision weapons were used in combat in the Syrian Arab Republic for the first time."

Putin said that the gained experience of tactical employment of Russian weapons should be comprehensively studied and optimal steps should be determined on the basis of the made conclusions aimed at the further improvement of the weapons systems and boosting combat power of the Russian Army and Navy.

Soruce : MENA