S. korean FM calls for tougher sanctions on N. Korea
Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se

South Korea's top diplomat warned the international community against rushing to resume talks with North Korea without confirming its intentions, his ministry said Saturday. 

Speaking at the U.N. Security Council's special meeting on North Korea in New York, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se pointed out the communist nation is not interested in any dialogue on its own denuclearization, Yonhap news agency reported.

What it wants is to be recognized as a nuclear power for "disarmament talks," he said. 

Talks for the sake of talks are not an option for the international community, he added, urging it to apply additional, tougher sanctions on Pyongyang to help dissuade it from provoking and coax it into returning to the bargaining table.

Source: MENA