President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

The current African tour of President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, which began on Monday, has many strategic connotations as regards the Egyptian policy at the African, regional and international levels, according to a report by the State Information Service (SIS) on Wednesday.
The report said the four-day tour embodies Egypt's foreign policy towards Africa and its keenness on buttressing relations with African states.
The tour includes Tanzania, Rwanda, Chad and Gabon.
Sisi, according to the report, is the first Egyptian leader to visit Gabon since relations between the two countries were established in 1975.
The visit is of great importance as it opens new scopes of cooperation in economic, security, petroleum and mining domains. It also helps lays down joint visions for solving the problems facing the African continent, the report said.
The report shed light on Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba's visit to Egypt in 2016 and his talks with President Sisi that tackled boosting bilateral relations and ended up by signing a number of cooperation agreements.
It also highlighted forms of cooperation between the two countries that cover educational, cultural and security domains.

Source: Mena