President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

President Abdel Fattah El Sisi of Egypt is seeking to enhance relations with Germany, especially that officials from the two countries have, over the past two years, been coordinating stances to face regional and international challenges, atop of which terrorism. 
Fighting terrorism should not be the job of the military or police alone, Sisi said in a meeting with German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel here Tuesday, stressing the need to destroy terrorist ideologies in the first place through upgrading education and correcting the religious discourse. 
Sisi also pressed for a firm action against countries that offer financial and political support for terrorists, said presidential spokesman Alaa Youssef.
The meeting also took up the diplomatic row with Qatar and the situation in Libya, with Sisi pointing out the need to reach political and peaceful settlements that would maintain state sovereignty and protect national institutions, Youssef added.
Gabriel hailed as "important" the role played by Egypt in the Middle East, calling for further consultation between Berlin and Cairo about regional and international challenges, the spokesman said. 
He told Sisi that terrorism has become an international phenomenon and appreciated Egyptian efforts to fight that threat, Youssef noted. 

Source: MENA