President Abdel Fattah El Sisi

Former assistant foreign minister Hussein Haridi said that President Abdel Fatah El Sisi's African tour, which includes four African countries, reflects Egypt's keenness on strengthening its relations with all countries in the African continent.

Haridi stated that the main objective of this tour is to promote Egyptian and boost economic and trade cooperation between Egypt and African countries.

Haridi pointed out that President Sisi's visit to Tanzania is an embodiment of Egypt's aspirations to return to the golden age of Egyptian-African relations, which was at its peak in the fifties and sixties of last century.

Combating terrorism will be top on the agenda during the presidential meetings, Haridi told Egypt's channel 1.

Haridi also expressed his optimism about this tour and stated that the Egyptian leadership has been introducing several initiatives to strengthen relations with African countries.

Source : Mena