26 Palestinians arrested by Israeli occupants in WB

sraeli occupation forces at dawn Tuesday launched a large-scale detention campaign in various areas of the West Bank.
As many as 26 Palestinians, including the mother of the Palestinian who carried out the stabbing operation in Halamish settlement, were arrested. The detainees are from the cities of Qalqiliya, Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin, Bethlehem and Jericho. 
Media sources said Ibtisam al Abed, mother of the Palestinian attacker, was detained from Kober town in northern Ramallah at dawn Tuesday.
Israeli occupation forces claimed that the detainees are wanted elements who have carried out attacks against the troops and settlers in various areas in the West Bank.
On Friday, 19-year-old Omar al Abed broke into the Halamish settlement, near Ramallah. There, he went into the Salomon family home and began a stabbing spree. killing three members of one family and was also seriously injured.

Source: Mena