The Hamas authorities on Wednesday executed two Palestinians convicted of being collaborators with Israel in the Gaza Strip, an official statement said. The statement from the Hamas-run Interior Ministry said that the two informants had guided the Israeli military to the locations of Palestinian resistance, government security establishments and metal workshops. They were executed on Wednesday afternoon, one being shot and the other hanged. Hamas said the executions were meant to "preserve the societal security." Earlier in March Hamas launched a campaign to combat collaboration with Israel, promising amnesty to any informants who turn himself in willingly during the two-month campaign. Hamas, a militant group that took over Gaza in 2007 by force, suffers severe harm from information leaked to Israel. The latter launched two major offensives against Gaza in 2012 and in the winter from 2008 to 2009. According to Gaza-based rights groups, the Hamas authorities have executed 18 Palestinians, including the two on Wednesday, since it took control of the Gaza Strip in 2007.