Head of Al Quds Awaqf Council Sheikh Abdel Azeem Salhab

Head of Al Quds Awaqf Council Sheikh Abdel Azeem Salhab said on Saturday that Israeli authorities, not Awaqf Council, are controlling Al Aqsa Mosque since Friday morning.
This came during a press conference that was held by Supreme Muslim Council (SMC), Awqaf Council, Dar ul-Ifta, Quds Governorate and High Judicial Council in Quds city on an Israeli decision to close the holy site and prevent Muslim worshipers from entering it.
Salhab accused the Israeli authorities of "sabotaging everything at Aqsa Mosque."
He said that Friday’s incidents are the first of their kind since 1967, adding that those who committed such crimes must be held accountable.
On Friday, a shooting incident in the Old City of Al Quds left at least three Palestinians dead and others injured.
Following the shooting, the Israeli police declared that Friday's prayers would not be held at the holy site. The authorities also prevented any Palestinian officials or Muslim worshipers from entering the mosque.

Source: Mena