Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit warned against the serious health and humanitarian conditions in Yemen, noting that the Yemeni people will be suffering from the impact of such crises for a long time.
Addressing the opening session of the Arab League Consultative Meeting on Yemen, Abul Gheit said he was briefed by UN Special Envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed on the latest political, security and humanitarian conditions in the war-torn Yemen.
Abul Gheit warned against the worsening humanitarian conditions in the country, especially after reports on the spread of Cholera in the war-ravaged areas.
The Arab League chief asserted that there was an Arab consensus on the need for working out a political solution to the Yemeni crisis based on the Gulf initiative, the outcome of the national dialogue as well as UN resolutions especially No. 2216.
Abul Gheit also praised efforts of the UN envoy in order to avoid more complications in the Yemeni crisis and reach a political settlement among the disputing parties there.
He also urged Houthis and coup groups to place high the country's national interests, noting that restoring legitimacy in Yemen is the only way towards rebuilding the country and ending any humanitarian crises that have crippled any settlement in a country which has a unique and long-standing history.

Source: Mena