Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit

Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said Sunday that al Quds is a red line that should not be crossed. 
Arabs and Muslims cannot possibly accept Israeli attempts to create new facts on the ground in the Old City and the holy Al Aqsa Mosque, Abul Gheit noted.
Israel is adopting policies that provoke Arabs and Muslims, and not just Palestinians, he said. 
Security concerns are not the reason behind the recent Israeli restrictions; that's well known to all, the AL chief said. All are aware of Israel's non-stop plots to Judaize al Quds, he added. 
He urged world powers, atop of which the US, to live up to their responsibilities in maintaining the situation in the occupied lands.
Abul Gheit also warned Israel of listening to calls by Jewish extremist groups that are pulling the Israeli political strings. 
Israel, according to Abul Gheit, is playing with fire, fomenting a big crisis with the Arab and Muslim worlds. 
It is reviving a religious aspect to its conflict with the Palestinians, he noted, stressing that this will have grave consequences in the future.
